Terra Foundation for American Art International Publication Grant
The Terra Foundation for American Art in 2014 awarded the College Art Association (CAA) a major, three-year grant to administer an annual program to support book-length scholarly manuscripts in the history of American art. This program, now in its second year, makes funds available to US and non-US publishers through the Terra Foundation for American Art International Publication Grant. Awards of up to $15,000 will be given for books that examine American art in an international context, increase awareness of American art internationally through publication outside the United States, allow wider audiences to access important texts through translation, and/or result from international collaboration. The program also will support the creation of an international network of American art scholars by providing two non-US authors whose books are funded through the grant program with travel stipends and complimentary registration to attend CAA’s Annual Conference.
Grant guidelines, detailed eligibility requirements, and application instructions are available on the CAA website at www.collegeart.org/terrafoundation. Letters of inquiry should be submitted to CAA by September 21, 2015. Applicants whose projects fall within the guidelines and successfully fulfill the mission of the grant program will be invited to submit full applications, due November 9, 2015. Award winners will be announced in March 2016.