1999 PAAS Conference
The annual PAAS (Polish Association for American Studies) conference on ‘Apocalypse Now. Prophecy and Fulfillment’ was held on December 6th – 8th 1999 in Lodz. Appropriately summoned weeks if not days before the (rumored) end of the millenium, the conference turned out to be a great, un-apocalyptic success, which was equally due to the efforts of the organizers – the American
Literature and Culture Department of the University of Lodz – and the involvement of the nearly 70 participants from Poland and abroad. Most centers of American Studies in Poland were represented.
The organizers plan on publishing the conference proceedings at the beginning of 2000.
1999 was the year of new elections to the PAAS Board, which were held during the conference. Please consult the appropriate section of the website to get acquainted with the names and conctacts of the PAAS new officers. Also, a number of new members joined the Association.