Polish Journal for American Studies

PJAS Special Issue 2022 extended deadline


For more than a century now America’s visual legacy has been considered the chief contributor to the field of global cinema. This legacy conceptualizing the U.S.A. as, basically, visualized space, has similarly – and strongly – influenced global audiences’ conceptions of America and cinema as a medium. However, as both American studies and film studies do evolve, the question arises of how, at present, these two scholarly disciplines can be rethought and reinvented. In other words: has our perception of what it takes for a movie to be identified as American changed?; how does America matter in the contemporary global cinematic context?; how does this context offer itself to America so that she can be visible as (in)operative in it? – these are just a few of the questions that this special issue of PJAS would like to approach.

Referring, via the title, to the anthology of essays American Cinema and the Southern Imaginary which, back in 2011, recreated the traditional vision/s of the South and southern cinema, we want to invite scholars to help us complicate the above mentioned issues by offering us what they believe is now cinematically American (and/or America-filmed) “visualization/s” of: history, literature, politics, religion, food, education, culture, economics etc. With a multitude of – undoubtedly – colliding visions, we hope we can make these issues denser than they appear to be at present.

Submission details

The deadline for this year’s volume has been extended to 1st March, 2022.

The length of submission should be between 5,000 and 9,000 words.

We follow the MLA format for references and bibliography

A submission should be sent by e-mail as a Word attachment to Beata Zawadka at:


For more information on the journal see https://paas.org.pl/pjas/