2020 EAAS Conference – 20/20 Vision

2020 EAAS Conference – 20/20 Vision

SSF Panels CFP

Warsaw, May 1-3, 2020

“I have the most common type of mind, the visual, and when first I began to read… stories it stood in the way of my trust in my own certainty of what was there that, for all my being bowled over by them. I couldn’t see them happening [..]” – wrote Eudora Welty in her famous essay “The Eye of the Story” about experiencing Katherine Anne Porter’s fiction. As we believe Welty’s words also concern the “all-southern story,” we therefore offer them as a springboard to a broader discussion about the U.S. South in the context as 2020 EAAS Conference organizers propose it, that is, as Southern 20/20 Vision. We do trust that, much as Porter’s fiction turned out to be an eye-opening experience and hence, a “very good thing” for Welty, a discussion on such a vision might show us, to quote Welty again, “a thing or two about the eye of [Dixie], about [Dixie’s contemporary] visibility and invisibility, about its clarity, its radiance”.

We welcome abstracts and proposals designed for two “Southern 20/20 Vision” workshops comprising complete three (or four)-paper sessions on the southern issues within the range as the EAAS conference organizers arranged for it, namely: Citizenship, Space, and Renewal (for the elaboration of these issues see www.eaas.eu). Paper abstracts should not be longer than 350 words.

Deadline for abstracts:
November 1, 2019
Acceptance notification:
December 15, 2019
Send your proposals to: