American Studies No. 17

Table of Contents


Izabella Rusinkowa “Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz’s Biography of George Washington”
Anita Omelanczuk “David Hume’s Influence on the American Constitution. A Study in the Philosophical Origin of The Federalist”
Jerzy Sobieraj “Albion W. Tourgee and the Ku Klux Klan”
Ewa Luczak “Rethinking History: Toni Morrison’s Versions of the Past”
Steven Carter “Leopards in the Temple: Dissent, Diversity, and the Fictions of Domination”
Eugene E. Leach “Multiculturalism and Mass Society in 20th Century American Social Thought”

Book Reviews

Marek Wilczynski, ed., Canons, Revisions, Supplements in American Literature and Culture (by Marek Paryz)
Agata Preis-Smith, “Inventions of Farewell”: American Elegiac Poetry From the Puritans to Modern Times (by Franciszek Lyra)
Michal J. Rozbicki, The Complete Colonial Gentelman: Cultural Legitimacy in Plantation America (by Irmina Wawrzyczek)
M.A. Theses of the American Studies Center – Warsaw University, 1994-1998