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Triangle Decoration

CFP – Theory That Matters: What Practice after Theory?

Theory That Matters: What Practice after Theory?
University of Lodz
Department of American Literature and Culture
7-9 April 2010

“Theory is practice.”

— Michel Foucault

In his 1995 book-length introduction to literary and cultural theory, Peter Barry observed that while  […] Read more   “CFP – Theory That Matters: What Practice after Theory?”

Triangle Decoration

CFP: Poe – nowator czy tradycjonalista?

Miedzynarodowa konferencja
organizowana przez
Zaklad Komparatystyki
na Wydziale Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego przy wspolpracy kwartalnika “Tekstualia”

Call for papers




Triangle Decoration

CFP: Edgar Allan Poe – artysta i wizjoner

W nadchodzacym roku przypada dwusetna rocznica urodzin wielkiego amerykanskiego pisarza Edgara Allan Poego i dla jej uczczenia Zespol Filologii Angielskiej Instytutu Neofilologii Uniwersytetu Warminsko-Mazurskiego pragnie zorganizowac konferencje poswiecona temu genialnemu tworcy, pod haslem:

“Edgar Allan Poe – artysta i wizjoner”.  […] Read more   “CFP: Edgar Allan Poe – artysta i wizjoner”

Triangle Decoration

CFP: The United States and the World: from Imitation to Challenge

Chair of American Studies, Jagiellonian University
3rd International Conference
“The United States and the World: from Imitation to Challenge”
Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
29-30 May 2009


This two-day conference, hosted by the Jagiellonian University’s Chair of American Studies, will  […] Read more   “CFP: The United States and the World: from Imitation to Challenge”

Triangle Decoration

CFP: Transatlantic Encounters: American Studies in the 21st Century

Transatlantic Encounters: American Studies in the 21st Century
University of Lodz, Poland
27 – 30 September 2008



We are pleased to announce an upcoming international conference, entitled “Transatlantic Encounters: American Studies in the 21st Century” to be held  […] Read more   “CFP: Transatlantic Encounters: American Studies in the 21st Century”

Triangle Decoration

CFP: The Body. Readings in English and American Literature and Culture

We invite scholars to contribute to the second volume of the “Readings in English and American Literature and Culture” series published by the University of Opole Press. The first volume (on Community and Nearness) was released in November, 2007.  […] Read more   “CFP: The Body. Readings in English and American Literature and Culture”

Triangle Decoration

CFP: Beyond Imagined Uniqueness: Nationalisms in Comparative Perspective

An International Conference organized by American Studies Center, University of Warsaw
May 19-21, 2008

The aim of the conference is to provide a space for an interdisciplinary and international conversation about nationalism. Theoretical perspectives, as well as case studies from  […] Read more   “CFP: Beyond Imagined Uniqueness: Nationalisms in Comparative Perspective”