PAAS 14th Annual Best MA Thesis Award

The Polish Association for American Studies is inviting submissions for its 14th Annual Best MA Thesis Award. The jury will evaluate the submissions and announce the results in November 2024.

The author of the winning MA thesis will be invited to publish one chapter inthe Polish Journal for American Studies.

  1. One master’s thesis can be submitted per each 20 students graduating with theses in the field of American Studies in a department/center. This includes both full-time and extramural students. Consequently, a department with 12 such students can submit one entry while a department with 26 such students – 2 entries. In each department MA thesis advisors must develop internal rules for selecting the best thesis.
  1. A thesis can only be submitted by the advisor or a committee of academic advisors.
  1. Theses written in both English and Polish are eligible.
  1. This year’s submission deadline is October 5, 2024. We encourage early submissions.
  1. Only candidates who have received their MA diploma in the present academic year are eligible (15 October 2023 – 30 September 2024).
  1. Each contest thesis should be sent as two PDF files, named according to the patterns below, to and to  
  • a file with the title page identifying the author and the supervisor;

this file should be named name.surname (center).pdf

[e.g. Jan.Kowalski (Uniwersytet Gdanski).pdf]

  • a file with only the thesis title on the title page and the full text of the thesis; this file should be named short-title.pdf [e.g. BlackBiography1920s.pdf]

and fully anonymized, so as not to allow the jury to identify the author and the supervisor; please make sure you have removed the identifying information from the file properties.

Please, do not use Polish diacritics in the file names.

  1. The results will be announced in November 2024 on the PAAS website.

Any questions should be directed to Edyta Frelik,