CFP: The limits of language and the limits of literature

Explorations: A Journal of Language and Literature is a peer-refereed online journal published by the Department of the English Language and the Department of English Language Literatures at Opole University, Poland (for more information see The December 2013 issue of Explorations takes as its theme the notion of limits.

The language section chooses as its motto Wittgenstein’s famous words: “the limits of my language mean the limits of my world.” We thus seek articles that investigate the connections between language and human thought and/or explore the ways in which our understanding of such connections influences or limits the study and teaching of language in the academy.

The literature section invites articles which critically examine encounters or confrontations involving literary and non-literary works as they reach the limits of the conventions imposed on them. What happens when such limits have been crossed? What kind of extra-literary space is opened when a literary text interacts with a painting, a movie or a musical composition and is transformed by them? What is the nature of such interactions? Can we speak of “pure literature”? Or maybe we should say that the literary work is necessarily infected with other modes of expression? Is writing just writing?

Contributions are expected by June 30, 2013. Notifications of acceptance will be sent by September 30, 2013.

For style sheet and further information, please consult the journal web page at

Call for papers (pdf)