Call for Papers: Investigating Bleeding Edge 2.0

bleeding_website_grad2Lublin, familiar to the community of Pynchon scholars from International Pynchon Week 2010, invites readers to share their perspectives on Pynchon’s eagerly awaited new novel, Bleeding Edge. All are welcome: academics, students, critics, enthusiasts, artists…. The forum is open to those in all fields, from literature through cultural studies to the exact sciences, taking any critical or theoretical approach. While the focus will be on investigating Bleeding Edge, the organizers encourage a bleeding edge engagement with the forensic imagination interlacing all of Pynchon’s works. There is no participation fee.

All papers will be presented in plenary session. Each speaker will be allowed thirty minutes (including discussion).

Proposals/abstracts (in English) should not exceed 300 words. Responses to inquiries and notification of acceptance will be sent by e-mail.

Deadline for proposals: October 31, 2013

Proposals/abstracts should be e-mailed to Zofia Kolbuszewska: zofkol AT

More information on the conference website: