The Americanist

THE AMERICANIST: Warsaw Journal for the Study of the United States

ISSN 1896-2556

The Americanist is a multidisciplinary, transnational, peer-reviewed journal of research and analysis. It is published by The American Studies Center, University of Warsaw, Poland.


The journal’s mission is to foster scholarly debate of that geographical entity known as the United States of America through the publication of original articles from a variety of disciplines, and, through our book reviews, highlight the work being done in Polish on American topics. The editors recognize that those who study Canada and Latin America have equal claim to being Americanists, but while our focus is on the U.S. we look at the U.S. in a variety of contexts, from historical to literary to theoretical to regional and global.


Our position as the Warsaw Journal for the Study of the United States is marginal in several ways, and we intend to make a virtue of our marginality: as Americanists working not only outside the USA, but also on the margins of what is usually thought of as “Europe.” Perspective matters to us and we encourage contributors to reflect on theirs, rather than obliterate it. It is somewhat ironic perhaps that Poland’s much-talked about pro-Americanism – an exception in the EU – makes our position marginal in yet another sense. We intend to make both pro-Americanisms and anti-Americanisms the object of our interest in these pages. As Heinz Ickstadt suggests in the 2006 issue, the task is not to emulate scholars working in the U.S., but “indeed to create wider frames of reference, in which the question of what happens in America is not only answered from within America, but rather seen in relation to other contexts.”


We plan to have each issue explore a theme within the field of American Studies. The 2006 issue – with which American Studies became The Americanist – looks at the politics of American Studies from a variety of angles. Upcoming issues will look at popular culture and constructions of gender. In each case, emphasis is placed on international and comparative perspectives. We hope to create a space for debate in the field in which those from the margins and those from the center will interact as equals and learn from each other.


William R. Glass (ASC, UW)
Agnieszka Graff (ASC, UW)


Tomasz Basiuk (ASC, UW)
Joanna Durczak (Maria Curie Sklodowska University, Lublin)
Dana Heller (Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia)
Heinz Ickstadt (John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Free University, Berlin)
James Keller (Mississippi University for Women)
John Leo (University of Rhode Island, Kingston)
Piotr Skurowski (Warsaw School of Social Psychology)
Bohdan Szklarski (ASC, UW)
Charles R. Wilson (University of Mississippi)
Marek Wilczynski (University of Poznan)


You may contact us by e-mail at:

American Studies Center
Al. Niepodleglosci 22
02-653 Warszawa

American Studies Center website:


We welcome submission on any topic that addresses American society, culture, history, literature, or politics. Guidelines for special topic issues will be announced. Submissions should be between 4,000 and 6,000 words inclusive of notes and bibliography. They should be prepared in strict accordance with the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 5th Edition, submitted by e-mail in Word or WordPerfect files to Additionally, two printed copies should be sent (see address above); they should be double-spaced, with standard margins and font. Printed copies should include a cover page, with the title, author’s name, institutional affiliation, email address, and postal address. The text of the essay should have its title only, without the author’s name.

The journal is also soliciting book reviews of important, new works in American studies. They should not exceed 1,500 words and should have a complete bibliographic citation for the book in place of a title. The author’s name and institutional affiliation should come at the end of the review. Reviews of works published in Poland are particularly welcome, but critiques of significant works published outside Poland are sought as well.

Authors of articles and reviews should submit a biographical note of not more than ten lines.