Proceedings 04

Re-Visioning Democracy in Central Europe and America

The Proceedings of the International Conference of the Polish Association for American Studies, Pulawy, October 1994

Editors: Jerzy Kutnik & Cezar M. Ornatowski

  • Contents
  • Foreword
  • CEZAR M. ORNATOWSKI Introduction: Re-Visioning Democracy; Europe and America or Europe vs. America?
  • VINCENT N. PARRILLO Diversity in America: Strength Not Weakness
  • THOMAS LUNDMARK Shapes of Democracy
  • COLETTE MAZZUCELLI Re-Visioning Democracy: The American Reaction to European Integration Since Maastricht
  • MATTHEW MANCINI Democracy; Revolution, and Intellectuals: The Persistent Relevance of Alexis de Tocqueville
  • CEZAR M. ORNATOWSKI Democracy and Discourse: A Rhetorical Perspective on Political Change and the Emergence of Democracy in Poland
  • EDNA MITCHELL Transformations in Pluralism in America: Challenges for Education
  • EWA A. GOLEBIOWSKA The Future of Poland’s Minority Groups: Insights from American Models of Tolerance
  • WILLIAM LANG The Fundamental Dilemma: Conflict Between the European and Native American World Views
  • WELCH EVERMAN The Walking Dead: New World Zombies and Old
  • MICHAEL BLUMENTHAL “Je change, doncje suis”. Some Reflections on Proteanism as an American Value
  • MAREK GOLEBIOWSKI The Common Man in Rogers and Hammerstein Musicals
  • ZBIGNIEW KWIECIE?? U.S.A. and the Philippines, 1898-1935: The Shaping of American-type Democracy
  • ZBIGNIEW MAZUR American Traditions of Self-Defence: The Colonial Militia in 17th Century Virginia