Polish Journal for American Studies

PJAS 10-1

Michał Choiński
Sermons That “Cut Like a Sword”: Samuel Blair’s Rhetoric During
the Great Awakening

Polish Journal for American Studies, vol. 10 (Autumn 2016), pp. 7-21


The article examines the style of Samuel Blair, a revival preacher of the Great Awakening who has often been omitted in the studies on the colonial pulpit tradition. Two texts by Blair, a sermon (A Perswasive to Repentance, 1743) and a revival account (A Short and Faithful Narrative, 1744) are studied rhetorically and presented as representative of the “rhetoric of the revival,” a particular mode of preaching in which the speaker employs a wide array of rhetorical patterns, biblical innuendos and communicative strategies aimed at eliciting emotional responses.

Keywords: Samuel Blair, Great Awakening, colonial preaching

DOI: 10.7311/PJAS.10/2016.01

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